- Where can I get information for my income tax report?
- What does GOL being a Level 2 company in B3 means?
- Where are GOL´s preferred shares traded? What´s the ticker?
- When may preferred shares acquire voting rights?
- How to invest in stocks?
- Why do we calculate EBITDA/EBITDAR?
Where can I get information for my income tax report?
Our custodian bank is Banco Itaú and below is how you can get your Income Tax Report:
If you do not have a bank account at Banco Itaú, you can access the information with full security through Itaú Corretora. Go to www.itaucorretora.com.br, select the menu option “Não correntista” > Quero me cadastrar, and follow the instructions. The process is simple and completely online. Once registered, information on your shares are available in the menu option Carteira > Escrituração de Ações.
If you are an account holder at Banco Itaú, access your bank accout at www.itau.com.br. Your Income Tax Report is available in the Conta Corrente menu option. Additional information for your shares are available in the Investimentos menu option, under Ações Escrituradas pelo Itaú.
For additional questions or information, please call
+55 (11) 3003-9285 for capital cities and metropolitan regions
0800 720 9285 for other regions
+55 (11) 4004-4828 options 3-6-3 (for bank account holders)
Service hours: Business days, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Banco Itaú, the custodian bank for our shares, prepared a guide with the main rules required by the Brazilian Federal Revenue. This guide is available at www.itau.com.br/guiair.
What does GOL being a Level 2 company in B3 means?
In 2000, the B3 introduced three special listing segments, known as Level 1 and 2 of Differentiated Corporate Governance Practices and New Market (Novo Mercado), aiming at fostering a secondary market for securities issued by Brazilian companies with , securities listed on the B3, by prompting such companies to follow good practices of corporate governance. The listing segments were designed for the trading of shares issued by companies voluntarily undertaking to abide by corporate governance practices and disclosure requirements in addition to those already imposed by Brazilian law. These rules generally increase shareholders´ rights and enhance the quality of information provided to shareholders.
To become a Level 1 “(Nível 1) company, in addition to the obligations imposed by current Brazilian law, an issuer must agree to (a) ensure that shares of the issuer representing 25% of its total capital are effectively available for trading, (b) adopt offering procedures that favor widespread ownership of shares whenever making a public offering;: (c),comply with minimum quarter1y disclosure standards inc1uding cash flow statements, (d) follow stricter disclosure policies with respect to transactions made by controlling shareholders, directors and officers involving securities, issued by the issuer; (e) submit, any existing shareholders´ agreements and stock option plans to the B3; and (f) make all annual calendar announcing scheduled corporate events, bringing information on the company, the event, date and title it is going to take place; any changes in the schedule shall be promply forwarded to B3 and published.
To become a Level 2 (Nível 2) company, in addition to the obligations imposed by current Brazilian law, an issuer must agree to (a) comply with all of the listing requirements for Level 1 companies; (b) grant tag-along rights for all shareholders in connection with a transfer of control of the company, offering the same price paid per share for controlling block common shares and 80% of the-price paid per share for controlling block preferred shares, (c) grant voting right to holders of preferred shares in connection with certain corporate restructuring and related party transactions such as: (i) any transformation of the company into another corporate form, (ii) any merger, consolidation or spin-off of the company, (ii) approval of any transactions between the company and the controlling shareholder, inc1uding parties related to the controlling shareholder,(iv) approval of any valuation of assets to be delivered to the company in payment for shares issued in a capital increase, (v) appointment of an independent company, with renowned expertise, to ascertain the economic value of the company in connection with any deregistration and delisting tender offer, and (vi) any changes to these voting rights,(d) have aboard of directors comprised of at least five members, of which at least 20% shall be “independent”, as defined by the B3, with a term limited to two years,(e) if it elects to delist from the Leve12 segment, hold a tender offer by the company’s controlling shareholder (the minimum price of the shares to be offered will be the economic value determined by an appraisal process), and, for the same purposes, in the case of companies with diffuse control (controlling power exercised by the shareholder holding less than 50% of the voting capital and per group of shareholders who are not signatories of voting agreements and which is not under a common control and does not act as a representative of a common interest) to comply with complementary rules to be issued by B3; (f) disclose: (i) quarterly financial statements in English or prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS); and (ii) annual financial statements in English, including cash flow statements, prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP or International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS), in American Dollars or reais, and (g) adhere exclusively to the rules of the B3 Arbitration Chamber for resolution of disputes involving the controlling shareholders, – the managers and, the members of the Fiscal Council.
To be listed in the Novo Mercado, an issuer must meet all of the requirements described above, in addition to (a) issuing only voting shares and ensure that all the shares will be composed exclusively of common shares, (b) granting tag-along rights for all shareholders in connection with a transfer of control of the company, offering the same price paid per share for controlling block common shares.
In May 2004, we entered into an agreement with the B3 to comply with the requirements to become a Level 2 company. Upon the closing of our global public offering of our preferred shares on May 3, 2005, we are in compliance with the requirement to achieve a free float of 25% of our preferred shares. In addition to complying with Level 2 requirements, we have also granted tag along rights to holders of our preferred shares in connection with a transfer of control of our company; offering preferred shareholders 100% of the price paid per common share of controlling block shareholders. Furthermore, we prepare quarterly financial statements in accordance with US. GAAP. In 2005, we are included in the following indexes: IbrXI00 (Índice Brasil, lndex Brazil), TOC (Índice de Ações com Governanca Corporativa Diferenciada, Special Corporate Governance Index), ITAg (Índice de Ações com Tag Along Diferenciado, Special Tag Along Stock Index) and MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International Index), which reflects our increased market capitalization and liquidity of our preferred shares.
Where are GOL´s preferred shares traded? What´s the ticker?
GOL ‘s shares are traded on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) under the ticker ‘GOLL4’.
When may preferred shares acquire voting rights?
Each common share entitles its holder to one vote at our shareholders meetings. Preferred shares have no voting rights, except that each preferred share entitles its holder to one vote at our shareholders´ meeting to decide on certain specific matters, such as: (i) Any transformation of the company into another corporate type; (b) any merger, consolidation or spin-off of the company; (ii) approval of any transactions between the company and its controlling shareholder or parties related to the controlling shareholder; (iii) approval of any evaluation of assets to be delivered to the company in payment for shares issued in a capital increase; (iv) appointment of an expert to ascertain the fair value of the company in connection with any deregistration and delisting tender offer; (v) any changing to this voting rights and (vi) approval of a change or our corporate purpose. Holders of preferred shares are entitled to attend shareholders´ meetings and to participate in the discussions. The Brazilian corporation law provides that non-voting shares, such as preferred shares, may acquire voting rights if the company fails to distribute fixed or minimum dividends in connection with such shares for three consecutives fiscal years and will retain such voting rights until the distribution of such fixed or minimum dividends. Because our preferred shares are not entitled to the payment of any fixed or minimum dividend, holders for our preferred shares cannot acquire voting rights as a result of our failure to distribute dividends.
Controlling shareholders may nominate and elect a majority of the members of the board of directors of Brazilian companies. In a Brazilian company, management is not entitled to nominate directors for election by the shareholders. Non-controlling shareholders and holders of non-voting shares are entitled to elect representatives to the board, as described above. Holders of a threshold percentage of the voting shares may also request, up to 48 hours prior to any general shareholders´ meeting, that the election of directors be subject to cumulative voting. The threshold percentage required for cumulative voting for a corporation such as ours is currently 5% of the outstanding shares. Shareholders who vote to elect a representative of the non-controlling shareholders may not cast cumulative votes to elect other members of the board.
How to invest in stocks?
Before looking for a brokerage firm, you should study the matter on the B3 website. In order to further beginner investors‘ learning, the São Paulo Stock Exchange has prepared a Basic Course on the Stock Market that offers three different modules with exercises for you to test your knowledge. Click on the links below and check them out:
The next step is to look for a brokerage firm. Brokerage firms and other financial intermediaries employ professionals who analyze the market, sectors and companies. These professionals will tell you the right moment to buy and sell stocks in order to get the best results.
You can also trade shares on the Internet. To do so, you must be a client of a B3 brokerage firm that offers a Home Broker system, which allows trading shares on the Internet. Check out the list of brokerage firms that offer the Home Broker system.
- Be sure to analyze the global and Brazilian economic scenario before buying stocks. Inflation, interest rate, GDP (gross domestic product) growth and other economic indicators may improve or worsen expectations of company growth and profits and the price of their shares.
- Considering the economic scenario, use newspapers and news in general to analyze the prospects of the sector in which the company you want to invest in operates.
- Get information about the financial health of the company you want to invest in. Get a historical record of the share price over the time and, based on the current price, analyze the possibility of making profit.
- Make simulations. There are stock investing simulators that can help you have an idea of how the market works before investing your money on the stock market. Test these simulators on the websites of some of the online brokerage firms.
- Do not invest if you do not like to take risks. High gains and high losses are frequent on the stock exchange.
Why do we calculate EBITDA/EBITDAR?
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) is presented as an important indicator of our operating performance, showing the Company’s capacity to cover expenses. It also facilitates comparability with the operating performance of other companies in the sector. However, no single figure should be considered as a substitute for net income calculated in accordance with IFRS, US GAAP or the Brazilian Corporate Law (BR GAAP), or even as a measure of the Company’s profitability. Additionally, our calculations cannot be compared with similar measures used by other companies.
Until 2018, we presented EBITDAR (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization and Aircraft Leasing Costs) to complement EBITDA, since aircraft leasing is a significant financial commitment for our business. But with the adoption of the new standard “IFRS 16 – Leases” as of January 1, 2019, this indicator is no longer used.