Ownership Breakdown

The following graphic sets forth the ownership breakdown of GOL as of August 31, 2024.



Name Common Shares % Preferred Shares % Total % * Economic Economic %
ABRA 2.863.682.115 100,00% 139.409.622 41,17% 93,78% 221.229.111 52,62%
Others 385 0,00%  199.182.604 58,83%    199.182.989 6,22%  199.182.615 47,38%
Treasury Shares 0,00%       2.109 0,00%         2.109 0,00%        2.109 0,00%
Total 2.863.682.500 100,00%  338.594.335 100,00% 100,00% 420.413.835 100,00%


*Considering the conversion standard: 1 preferred share = 35 common shares.

On March 22nd, 2019, GOL issued its Exchangeable Senior Notes due 2024. Concurrently with this notes offering, MOBI FIA lent 14,000,000 ADSs though an ADS lending agreement with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.