SASB Standards

GOL aims to be a world leader in making aviation more sustainable. And by providing ESG data to investors, the Company hopes to encourage the airline industry as a whole to tackle climate change, social inequality and governance issues by becoming more sustainable, inclusive and transparent. GOL reports relevant ESG information to investors in accordance with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (“SASB”) standard for the airline industry.

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) metrics applicable
to the aviation industry
Accounting and sustainability metrics
Topic Metric Measurement unit Code 2020 answer 2021 answer
Greenhouse gas emissions Gross global scope 1 emissions Coe metric tons TR-AL-110a.1 1,774,322 1,901,483
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets n/a TR-AL-110a.2 Read more on “Greenhouse gas emissions” in the
2020/2021 ESG Report
Read more on “Zero Carbon by 2050”
(1) Total fuel used in gigajoules;
(2) percentage of fuel from sources alternative to petroleum;
(3) percentage of sustainable fuel
Gigajoules (GJ); percentage (%) TR-AL-110a.3 (1) 24,405,510 GJ
(2) 0
(3) 0
(1) 26,128,048 GJ
(2) 0
(3) 0
Labor practices Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements Percentage (%) TR-AL-310a.1 100% of eligible workers 100% of eligible workers
(1) Number of work stoppages (strikes/blockages with 1,000 workers that lasted a complete shift) and
(2) total days idle
Number, days idle TR-AL-310a.2 (1) 0
(2) 0
(1) 0
(2) 0
Competitive behavior Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anticompetitive behavior regulations Monetary amount (R$) TR-AL-520a.1 0 0
Accident and safety management Description of implementation and outcomes of a Safety Management System n/a TR-AL-540a.1 Read more on “Operational performance” in the
2020/2021 ESG Report
Read more on “Business overview”
Number of aviation accidents Number TR-AL-540a.2 0 0
Number of governmental enforcement actions of aviation safety regulations Number TR-AL-540a.3 0 0
Operational metrics
Topic Measurement unit Code 2020 answer 2021 answer
Available seat-kilometer (ASK)3 ASK TR-AL-000.A 25,142 million 27,104 million
Load factor Rate TR-AL-000.B 80.1% 82.0%
Revenue passenger-kilometer (RPK) RPK TR-AL-000.C 20,127 million 22,216 million
Revenue tonne-kilometer (RTK) RTK TR-AL-000.D 1,649,796,999 1,860,311,738
Number of takeoffs Number TR-AL-000.E 124,528 133,885
Average fleet age Years TR-AL-000.F 11.0 10.7
Additional metrics
Topic Measurement unit 2020 answer 2021 answer
Relative emissions from fuel consumption4 kgCOe/ASK 0.0785 0.0725
Total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) Coe metric tons 1,830,189 1,951,895
Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) offset Coe metric tons 0 2,600
Topic Measurement unit 2020 answer 2021 answer
Gender of the workforce Percentage (men/women) 56%/44% 56%/44%
Age group Percentage (under 30/from 30-50/over 50) 22%/67%/11% 20%/68%/12%
Punctuality Percentage (index) 93.2% 92.8%
Regularity Percentage (index) 97.9% 99.0%
Baggage loss Number per 1,000 passengers 2.1 2.06
Topic Measurement unit 2020 answer 2021 answer
Independent directors Percentage 55% 50%
Share of women holding leadership positions (Managers, Executive Offices, Vice President, CEO) Percentage 42% 41%
Number of Committees with independent members Number 5 5
Has a Compliance Policy (available on the Investor Relations website)? Answer Yes Yes
Has Information Disclosure and a Securities Trading Policy (available on the Investor Relations website)? Answer Yes Yes
Percentage of voting capital on the Shareholders‘ Metting Percentage 100% 100%

3Total ASK.
4Considers only fuel consumption in domestic flights, as well as domestic ASK.