Analysts and Recommendations

Stock Price PN: R$ 7.54
Stock Price ADS: US$ 2.97
Number of Brokerage Firms: 18 Fiscal Year: PN ADS
Buy/ Overperform/ Overweight/ Outperform 22.22% Average (*) R$ 10.68 US$ 4.33
Neutral/ Hold/ In Line/ Marketperform/ Equal-weight 61.11% Standard Deviation (*) R$ 4.09 US$ 1.82
Sell/ Underperform/ Underweight/ Market Underperform 16.67% Higher (*) R$ 19.00 US$ 7.00
Lower (*) R$ 5.20 US$ 2.10
Institution Analyst Recommendation Last Revision Target Price ADS US$ Target Price R$ Telephone
AIR Control Tower Neil Glynn 25-Jan-24
Banco do Brasil Luan Calimerio Sell 14-May-24 01.10 (55 11) 4298-7165
Bank of America Rogério Araujo 25-Jan-24 (55 11) 2188-4255
Barclays Pablo Monsivais 27-Jul-23 (1 212) 526-1094
Bradesco BBI Victor Mizusaki Underperform 14-Aug-24 1.00 (55 11) 3847-9291
BTG Pactual Lucas Marquiori Sell 14-Aug-24 1.00 (55 11) 3383-9119
Citibank Stephen Trent Sell 25-Jan-24 3.00 (1 212) 816-6901
Deutsche Bank Michael Linenberg Sell 29-Jan-24 1.00 (1 212) 250-9254
Eleven Research Pedro Pimenta Overview 08-Apr-23 (55 11) 4302-3340
Goldman Sachs Bruno Amorim 25-Jan-24 (55 11) 3371-0764
HSBC Cenk Orcan Reduce 30-Jan-24 01.00 (9021) 2376-4614
Itaú BBA Daniel Gasparete 25-Jan-24 (55 11) 3073-3019
JP Morgan Guilherme Mendes Underweight 07-Mar-24 (55 11) 4950-4105
Raymond James Syth Savanthi Market Perform 25-Jan-24 NM (1 727) 567-5274
Santander Lucas Teixeira Neutral 27-Jul-23 9.30 (55 11) 3553-5320
Seaport Daniel McKenzie Neutral 16-Jan-24 (1 646) 760-5496
UBS Alberto Valério 26-Jan-24 (55 11) 2767-6918
XP Pedro Bruno Overview 27-Jul-23 (55 11) 97565-7706


GOL is covered by the analyst(s) listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding GOL´s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of GOL or its management. GOL does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. GOL does not warrant that the above list of analysts is complete nor updated, and the information herein provided are subject to the authorization of the analysts.